December 22, 2016

Scientists at Work!

Zachary ~ "Homemade Paste"

Dylan ~ "Erupting Volcano"

Bella ~ "Blobs in a Bottle" Lava Lamp

December 16, 2016

December 19-21

This week we will be reviewing for the end of second quarter.

Here are some fun activities we are going to do this week.
Monday, December 19th
• “Read and Relax”
-Students need to bring 4-5 books from home.

Tuesday, December 20th
• “Holiday Dance Party”
-We’ll save some time to “dance and celebrate” to our favorite holiday songs.

Wednesday, December 21st
• PJ Day!!! –Feel free to allow your child to wear pajamas to school. No slippers allowed, regular shoes required.
• Polar Express Morning!
• Our PTO Winter Party @ 2:15

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. Enjoy your time with your family and make some wonderful memories.

Just a few Reminders
-Please make sure your child’s winter gear is labeled and weather appropriate.
- Feel free to bring in a pair of extra clothes and socks to store in lockers.
-Please continue to check take home folder and return daily.
-Please continue to bring in “one” snack daily.

December 9, 2016

December 12-16

For the week of 12/12/16
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: We will be reading the story, “Ruby in Her Own Time.” Students will be asking and answering questions about key details in this text and describing the characters, setting, and major events. We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5/Centers. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

*Please continue to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: The first graders will finish their opinion unit this week and complete an ON DEMAND writing assessment prompt. Our next unit is informational writing.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: Fry Read and Write Words: will, each, about
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week: Beginning Sounds - k, wh, qu, tw
Ex: where, whisper, kind, quest, twice, twelve

Continue using verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future; fix-up sentences together

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute (the second quarter goal is 15 addition problems in one minute and 15 subtraction problems in one minute). Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.
*The students will be complete a summative assessment on surveys this week.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The needs of animals
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories


* We shop at the Holiday Shop on Monday, December 12
• No School for Students (Winter Break): December 22nd - January 3rd

December 2, 2016

December 5-9

For the week of December 5
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: “An Egg is an Egg” Students will be retelling stories including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message. As always, we will be reading poetry for fluency and expression practice.

Writing: We are continuing with our Opinion/Persuasive writing. The students are learning to write about things they like and how to CONVINCE their readers on why they like it. We will be focusing on writing book reviews, giving sneak peak summaries and using conjunctions. We also continue to focus on capital letters, ending marks and neat handwriting.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: See back of Spelling list for words to practice.
Feature/Pattern of the week: pr, tr, dr, br Ex: pretzel, triangle, drum bread

Grammar: Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present and future

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: Basic needs of animals
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories

Winter Break: December 22nd-January 3rd---Back to school on January 4th, 2017

November 28, 2016

Nov. 28-Dec. 2

For the week of November 28th
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: “Diary of a Worm” Students will be answering questions about key details in a story. They will also be identifying who is telling the story at different points in the text. As always, we will be reading poetry for fluency and expression practice.

Writing: We are continuing with our Opinion/Persuasive writing. The students are learning to write about things they like and how to CONVINCE their readers on why they like it. We also continue to focus on capital letters, ending marks and neat handwriting.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: See back of Spelling list for words to practice.
Feature/Pattern of the week: cr, cl, fr, gl, gr Ex: crib, clap, frog, glad, green

Grammar: Personal and Possessive Nouns

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: Basic needs of animals
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories

Winter Break: December 22nd-January 3rd---Back to school on January 4th, 2017

November 21, 2016

Scientists at Work!

"Energy Stick" ~ Anna

"Slime" ~ Noah

"Amazing Cup" ~ Chloe

November 14, 2016

November 14-18

Celebrating Veteran's Day with Mr. Aaron Henderson who is retired from the Army

What We’re Learning This Week: Week of November 14th

Reading: Thanksgiving fiction and non-fiction stories/classroom books. Students will be comparing and contrasting differences between fiction and non-fiction texts. We will discuss how characters’ experiences are the same and different in stories.

Writing: We will continue to work on Opinion writing pieces. We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons. Students will be “experts” as they write FACTS they know about real topics.

Word Study/Spelling:
• Fry Words-how, will, up, other, about-
• Consonant Blends pl, sl, bl, fl
• Grammar- Personal & Possessive pronouns
• Phonics-Syllables

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: Basic needs of animals
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories

Homework: See November Homework Log that came home. Thank you for your home support!

November 4, 2016

November 7-11

For the week of 11/7/16
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: We will be reading the non-fiction story, “Life in the Forest.” Students will be identifying the main idea and retelling key details of the text. We will also discuss the author’s purpose and complete a KWL chart (what I know about animals in the forest, what I want to know, and what I learned). We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5/Centers. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

*Please continue to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: The first graders will continue writing their opinion pieces this week. First, they will learn to review a collection and make choices about which item in that collection is the best, writing defenses for those judgments. Second, the students will learn how to write a review about anything, such as toys, restaurants, video games, movies, etc. Finally, the students will learn to write about book reviews. They will summarize, evaluate, judge, and defend their judgments.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: Fry Read and Write Words: an, each, which, she, do
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Consonant Blends sc, sn, sw
Ex: scooter, scary, snap, snore, swish, swipe

Grammar: Continue singular and plural nouns with matching verbs; fix-up sentences (whole group and individually)

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute (the second quarter goal is 15 addition problems in one minute and 15 subtraction problems in one minute). Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core. Here are a couple examples of games the students will play this week:
*Counters in a Cup
*How Many Am I Hiding? (missing addends)

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The needs of animals
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories

• No School for Students: Tuesday, November 8th
• Veterans Day: Friday, November 11th

October 28, 2016

Oct. 31-Nov. 4

For the week of October 31st
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: “It’s Moving Day” (Fiction Text) Focus on comparing and contrasting this week’s story and last week’s story “Animals Building Homes’ (Non-Fiction Text). We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

Writing: We are into the next unit in writing workshop, which is Opinion/Persuasive writing. The students are learning to write about things they like and how to CONVINCE their readers on why they like it.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: your, can, said, there, use
Feature/Pattern of the week: Consonants and blends- sp, sk, sm
Ex: spill, spider, skate, sky, smile, smoke
Grammar: Singular and plural nouns with matching verbs

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: Basic needs of animals
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories

Extras: Please return the report card envelope, signed. The report card is yours to keep. Thank you!
Reminder-Tuesday, November 8- PD Day- No School for Students

October 24, 2016

October 24-28

For the week of October 24th
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: “Animals Building Homes” (Non-Fiction Text) Focus on the main idea and key details and opinions. We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

Writing: We are into the next unit in writing workshop, which is Opinion/Persuasive writing. The students are learning to write about things they like and how to CONVINCE their readers on why they like it.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: what, all, were, we when
Feature/Pattern of the week: Consonants and blends- s, t, st
Ex: sip, sit, tip, top, stop, stand

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: Basic needs of animals
Social Studies: Economics and dividing time into categories

• Fall Festival: Friday, October 28th

• REPORT CARDS came home last Friday. Please return the envelope, signed, as soon as you can. The report card is yours to keep. Thank you!

October 18, 2016

Our Little Scientists

Drew ~ Floating Egg

Cameron ~ "The Flower"

William ~ Magic Balloon

Kadance ~ Changing Plants

Lots of Visitors!

The Bully Busters!

Nero the Aurora Police K9

Our Fire Safety Assembly

October 13, 2016

October 17-21

For the week of 10/17/16
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: We will be reading the story, “Places Plants and Animals Live.” Students will be identifying the main idea and retelling key details of the text. We will also explore the meaning of the word “tundra” in this non-fiction story (*ask and answer questions to help figure out the meanings of words). We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

*Please continue to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: The first graders will be starting a new opinion unit in writing next week for the second grading period. First, they will learn to review a collection and make choices about which item in that collection is the best, writing defenses for those judgments. Second, the students will learn how to write a review about anything, such as toys, restaurants, video games, movies, etc. Finally, the students will learn to write about book reviews. They will summarize, evaluate, judge, and defend their judgments.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: Fry Read and Write Words: had, by, words, but, not
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Consonant Digraphs ch, sh, th, wh REVIEW
Ex: shoe, she, chair, chug, thin, this, why, what
Introduce common, proper and possessive nouns

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute (the second quarter goal is 15 addition problems in one minute and 15 subtraction problems in one minute). Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core. Here are some examples of games the students will play this week:
*Roll and Record-Addition and Subtraction (+, - fluency)
*How Many Am I Hiding? (missing addends)
*Pair Wise Bingo (review of doubles)
*Compare/Double Compare (addition practice)

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: Animal Habitats
Social Studies: Map Skills

• Fire Safety Assembly: Monday, October 17th
• Report Cards Go Home: Friday, October 21st

October 7, 2016

October 10-13

What We’re Learning This Week: Week of October 10th

Reading: Animal Park (Non-fiction) Students will name the main topic and retell the key details of a non-fiction text. Students will use letter sounds and words to decode words. We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

Writing: We’ll be wrapping up our “small moments” personal narrative writing unit. We will continue to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons. Students will be revising, editing and sharing.

Word Study/Spelling:
• Consonant Diagraphs: th, wh
• Ex: this, thin, thick, when, what
• Fry words- review all 25 Fry Words.
Grammar- Adjectives

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

• Parent teacher Conferences: October 11th & 13th
• End of 1st Grading Period: October 13th
• No School: October 14th

September 30, 2016

October 3-7

We had a great time on our Field trip to Hiram Field Station:)

For the week of 10/3/16
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: We will be reading the story “Get the Egg.” Students will be summarizing key ideas and details in a text. We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

*Please continue to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: We will begin to wrap up our writing unit on “small moments.” The students will be writing their first “On Demand” Writing piece. What that means is…they will be asked to write a small moment story on their own without any help from the teacher. This piece will also be assessed using a rubric.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: Review of 1st quarter Fry Read and Write Words
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Consonant Digraphs ch, sh
Ex: sheep, ship, shin, cheese, chair, chin
Introduce adjectives

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

• Parent teacher Conferences: October 11th & 13th
• End of 1st Grading Period: October 13th
• No School: October 14th

September 29, 2016

Lime green T-shirt

Most students received a lime green Aurora t-shirt today (we are waiting for a few additional sizes to come in). These shirts are a gift from our wonderful PTO! We would like the students to wear them for field trips and spirit days. Our class color this year is lime green, please feel free to have your child wear their new shirt or any lime green shirt tomorrow Friday, September 30!

September 23, 2016

September 26-30

For the week of 9/26/16
What We’re Learning This Week:

REMINDER - We have a Field Trip on Monday, Sept. 26.! Please dress your child for the weather, we will be outside for most of the trip. They need a packed lunch! Thank you to everyone who volunteered to chaperone, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Popson, & Ms. Hodakievic will be joining us.

Reading: “The Wind and the Sun” (Fiction text) AND the “Sun” (Non-Fiction Text) Students will be using their knowledge of fiction and non-fiction texts to compare and contract features of both genres. We’ll be continuing guided reading and Daily 5. As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice.

Now that guided reading has been going for a couple weeks, this is just a reminder to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: We’ll still be writing about “small moments” as we continue our personal narrative writing unit. We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: Review of 1st quarter Fry Read and Write Words
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families eg et en
Ex: beg, leg, wet, jet, pen, hen

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

• SAY CHEESE! Picture Day: September 27th
• Parent teacher Conferences: October 11th & 13th
• End of 1st Grading Period: October 13th
• No School: October 14th

September 18, 2016

September 19-23

For the week of 9/19/2016
What We’re Learning This Week:

This week we will be reading the story, “Sun.” Students will work on identifying the text features in a non-fiction book.

Your child will be coming home with their daily guided reading book to read in their “book in a bag.” Please remember to practice reading your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them. Ask them comprehension questions, such as, “Who are the characters?” and “Tell me what happened in this story.”

Students will continue writing about “small moments” throughout our personal narrative writing unit. We will also work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons.

We will continue to review verbs this week. Check out this awesome song to help identify what a verb is on You Tube!

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: at be or this one
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families ug ut un (short u)
Ex: tug, mug, got, hut, fun,

Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

Homework: Continue working on homework log. Thank you for your home support!


• Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free snack for the am.
• Hiram Field Trip - Mon., Sept. 26
• Parent teacher Conferences: October 11th & 13th
• End of 1st Grading Period: October 13th
• No School October 14th

September 11, 2016

September 12-16

For the week of 9/12/2016
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: This week we will be reading the story, “The Big Blue Ox.” Students will work on identifying the characters, setting, and main idea of this story. The first graders will also take their first mini summative assessment (fiction) this week, which means they will read a passage/story and answer a few questions about the text. We will send this information home and share the results with you as well.

Your child will be coming home with their daily guided reading book to read in their “book in a bag.” Please remember to practice reading your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them. Ask them comprehension questions, such as, “Who are the characters?” and “Tell me what happened in this story.”

Students will continue writing about “small moments” throughout our personal narrative writing unit. We will also work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons.
Grammar: We will continue to review nouns and introduce verbs this week.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: as with his they I
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families op ot og (short o)
Ex: top, mop, got, hog, fog, jog

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. Our end-of-the-year goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

Homework: Continue working on homework log.☺ Thank you for your home support!

Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free snack for the am.
End of 1st Grading Period: October 13th

September 2, 2016

September 6-9

For the week of 9/6/2016
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: This week we will be reading the story, “Pig in a Wig.” Students will be working on identifying the main idea of the story as well as re-telling important details.

In the next few weeks your child will be coming home with their daily book to read in their “book in a bag.” Please remember to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: Students will continue writing about “small moments” throughout our personal narrative writing unit. We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons.
Grammar: Introducing Nouns

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: he was for on are
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families ip ig ill
Ex: zip, lip, pig , wig, sill, mill

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

Homework: Continue working on homework log Thank you for your home support!

• Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free snack for the am.
• NO SCHOOL, Labor Day: Monday, September 5th
• Getting to Know you Days : GOING BY LAST NAMES!!
o A-L Sept. 2nd M-L Sep. 6th

August 29, 2016

August 29-September 2

For the week of 8/29/2016
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: This week we will be reading the story, “The Busy Tree.” Students will be working on identifying the main idea of the story as well as re-telling important details of what the animals do.

In the next few weeks your child will be coming home with their daily book to read in their “book in a bag.” Please remember to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: We will be introducing writing workshop and brainstorming small moments. Students will work on writing about “small moments” as we begin our personal narrative writing unit. We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through mini-lessons. We will be focusing on the naming and telling part of a sentence.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: in is it you that
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word families share the same vowels/patterns and rhyme.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families ad ag ap
Ex: mad, sad, bag , wag, lap, nap

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.

1st grading period Science and Social Studies:
Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

Homework: See homework log coming home on Monday Thank you for your home support!

• Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free snack for the am.
• NO SCHOOL, Labor Day: Monday, September 5th
• Getting to Know you Days : GOING BY LAST NAMES!!
o A-L Sept. 2nd M-L Sep. 6th

August 19, 2016

August 22-26

For the week of 9/22/2016
What We’re Learning This Week:

Reading: “Sam Come Back” (Fiction Text) We will be working on “Main Idea” of a story as well as, key details in a fiction text.
In the next few weeks your child will be coming home with their daily book to read in their “book in a bag.” Please remember to read your child’s book-in-a-bag nightly with them.

Writing: We will be introducing writing workshop and brainstorming small moments. Students will work on writing about “small moments” as we begin our personal narrative writing unit. We will also be continuing to work on capitalization, end marks and writing detailed sentences through min-lessons. We will be focusing on the naming and telling part of a sentence.

Word Study/Spelling:
Fry Words: the of and a to
Short vowel word families will be our focus for this quarter. Word family shares the same vowels/patterns and rhyming words.
Feature/Pattern of the week:- Word Families at, an
Ex: at, bat, cat , hat, man, ran

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10. At our goal is to have students complete 22 addition facts in one minute and 22 subtraction facts in one minute. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core.
1st grading period Science and Social Studies:

Science: The Sun
Social Studies: How to be a good Craddock citizen and following school rules.

Homework: See homework log coming home on Monday Thank you for your home support!

-Please make sure you are sending your child with a peanut free snack for the am.
-Getting to Know you Days Last names–A-L Fri., Sept. 2 & Last names M-L Tues., Sept. 6

First Week of School!

August 15, 2016

Welcome to First Grade

It was wonderful seeing and meeting everyone at our Meet & Greet! I can't wait for the first day of school on Wednesday, August 17!